Free Airport Parking 1,2
<Parking Hours>
Note: Above hours are of entrance. Exiting afterhours is acceptable.
<Parking Spaces>
Parking 1 : 283 cars, 5 buses, 5 handicap spots
Parking 2 : 200 cars

Free Airport Parking

Parking 1

Parking 2

Parking 1

<Parking 1 Contact>
Misawa Airport Terminal
Parking at Misawa airport is permitted only when using Misawa airport.
Turn in longterm parking permit form if parking for more than 10 consecutive days at parking 1 lot.
Permit form and drop box are to be found at the check-in counter on the ground floor.
We may report the vehicle to the police if the permit isn’t presented and we find any vehicle has been parked for an extended period of time.

Parking 2

<Parking 2 Contact>
Misawa Airport Promotional Association
Contact Hours : 8:30AM–5PM, Monday–Friday
Closed on weekends and holidays