Frequently Asked Questions
Flight Information
- QWeather looks terrible, are there flights? When will I know if flights are canceled?
- APlease call JAL or check JAL website for detailed info.
JAL Customer Service
JAL (Japan Airlines) websiteTo External Website
- QI want to book my flight, what are my payment options? Where do I pay?
- AYou can pay over the phone, ticketing desk at Misawa airport, and convenient stores. Please check for details.
JAL Customer Service
JAL (Japan Airlines) WebsiteTo External Website
- QI want to cancel my trip or get a refund, where do I contact?
- APlease call JAL customer service or go to Misawa airport ticketing desk.
JAL Customer Service
JAL (Japan Airlines) WebsiteTo External Website
- QI booked my flight online but don’t know how to pay.
- APlease call JAL customer service for more info.
JAL Customer Service
JAL (Japan Airlines) WebsiteTo External Website
- QWho do I talk to about booking my flight or seat availability?
- APlease call JAL customer service for more info.
JAL Customer Service
JAL (Japan Airlines) WebsiteTo External Website
- QI have a connecting flight at Haneda airport and flying to XXX airport. What happens to my luggage if I fly a different airline?
- AYou can claim your baggage at the final destination if you fly with JAL (Japan Airlines). Please talk to a JAL staff near you when you have a connecting flight with a different airline.
- QWhat’s the weight/size limit for check in or carry on luggage? What’s prohibited?
- APlease call JAL customer service for more info.
JAL Customer Service
JAL (Japan Airlines) WebsiteTo External Website
- QI want to ship via air cargo, who do I talk to?
- AAir cargo is accepted and recieved at a designated building. Please call JAL customer service for more info.
- QCan children fly by themselves?
- AThey can if they’re 6 years old and older. Children under 5 need to be accompanied by someone older than 12. JAL ground staff will help at the airport. Please let us know when you book or check in.
- QAre there taxies at all times?
- AThey usually are but might be out if there are many passengers waiting. Please call them if you need one right away.
- QI want to book a taxi, what's the number?
- APlease check here.
- QWhat are the hours for airport shuttles?
- AHours are based on departure/arrival times. Contact Towada Kanko Dentetsu for more info.
Towada Kanko Dentetsu Hachinohe Branch
Airport Shuttle Information- QWhat happens when my flight is delayed?
- AAirport shuttles operate based on flight schedules. They wait for you if your flight is delayed.
- QWhere do the airport shuttles stop?
- ACheck for more info
- QHow do I get to Hachinohe city ?
- AAirport shuttle is the best way. If you wish to take a train, go to Misawa station to take Aoimori Railway to Hachinohe.
- QI want to go to Shimokita Peninsula, how do I get there?
- ATake Aoimori Railway to Noheji from Misawa and switch to JR to get to Shimokita Peninsula.Take a bus or taxi to get to Misawa station from the airport.
- QHow do I get to Iwate?
- ATake Aoimori Railway to Hachinohe from Misawa and switch to JR. Take a bus or taxi to get to Misawa station from the airport.
Amenities and Services
- QWhat time does the airport open and close?
- AAirport hours are from 8AM to 8PM. We may close early when flight cancellation happens.
- QAre there spots available at the parking?
- AThere are two parking lots. Check our website to see availability.
- QHow much is parking?
- ABoth of our parkings are free.
- QHow long can I park for?
- AIf you park at parking 1 for more than 10 consecutive days, you need a permit. Fill out the form and turn it in.
- QCan I book my parking spot?
- AUnfortunately, no. It's unreserved free parking.
- QIs there an ATM inside the terminal?
- AUnfortunately, no.
- QIs there a currency exchange?
- AUnfortunately, no.
- QI want to temporarily check in my baggage, is there anywhere I can do that?
- AThere are baggage lockers you can check in for no more than 72 consecutuve hours.
- QCan I reserve a rental bike?
- AReservation not accepted. We rent on first come, first served basis.
- QIs there a Wi-Fi?
- AWe offer free Wi-Fi. Ask for ID and password.
- QWhat does the rental (paid) lounge offer?
- AWe offer free softdrinks. Wi-Fi available.
- QIs there a baggage delivery service?
- ABaggage delivery service is available at Skymart Veedol located on the 2nd floor.
- QIs there a Nursing room?
- ANursing room is located on the 2nd floor. None after security.
- QIs there a diaper changing area?
- ADiaper changing table is available inside the accessible restroom located on the ground floor. Also available inside the nursing room.
Lost and Found
- QI left something in the airplane, who do I contact?
- AContact JAL (Japan Airlines).
JAL (Japan Airlines) Customer Service
Haneda Airport
Itami Airport
- QI left something at Misawa Airport, do you have it?
- AContact Misawa Airport Terminal.
Misawa Airport Terminal
- QHow far is the Misawa Aviation Museum?
- AIt's about 10 minutes drive.